Boil the potatoes in their skins in well-salted water.
Cool and skin the potatoes.
Dry mash the potatoes and season them.
Pile the potatoes onto a floured board.
Make a well and add a small amount of the sifted flour, then the egg, and sprinkle on the olive oil.
Quickly work the mixture to incorporate the flour, adding more as you do so.
Poach the dumplings in small batches in lightly simmering water until they pop up to the surface, which takes about 5 minutes.
Scoop them out with a slotted spoon, drain, and slip into a soup tureen or individual serving dishes.
You will end up with a soft, light, yet firm dough that is easy to mould.
Leave to rest for 20 minutes.
Place a large pan of water to boil.
Divide the mixture in half and roll each half into a long thin sausage.
Chop into 2.5 cm pieces.
Carefully roll each gnocchi round the prong of a fork to make a slight curl.